
Welcome, dear commoners, to my special, HISTORICAL, place of learned notings; i.e my ramblings :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Traditions

Well, that's hard to cover. See, I'm Dutch, Maltese, and English, and those three combined create a LOT of traditions that are very extremely positively fun to celebrate, and a lot of stuff to write about. Anyways, here it goes. I'll just explain our core celebrations.

From a Dutch point of view, I celebrate 'Sinter klaas', a special Christmas celebration where Sinter Klaas, otherwise known as Santa Claus, comes in the dead of night on 5th December, flying with his 'Schvartepetter' (Black Petes) coming all the way from Belgium to give you sweets and gifts - traditionally a big chocolate initial and fat puffs of gingerbread cut in to perfect spheres - if you were good, and if you were bad, well, coal instead of gifts wasn't enough. The Sint would parcel you up in his canvas sack - and if Sint was having a good day he wouldn't roast you for eating all the sweets in the sack you were trapped in!

 Malta is sort of an almond-loving country. You have to make special, hard almond cakes called 'Figola' with a shell of crunchy, soft alomondy cookie on top and bottom and the middle is stuffed and stuffed with sweet ground almond paste( and maybe some glace cherries or raisins), and then on top of everything there is sweet pink or green icing, traditionally. Sounds yummy, right? Also, in November, in some sort of 'party' for the dead, there is tremendous celebration and bone shaped cakes are eaten, almost like figolas but instead of a crunchy cookie base there is a softer pastry shell- but still stuffed with almonds!
Now, in England, I celebrate Guy Fawkes' day - a group of, as they are known now, 'guys', who desperately wanted to overthrow the parliament that was just opened and let England roll free.
                                                 ''Remember, remember,
                                                         The fifth of November,
                                                  Gunpowder, treason, and plot.
                                                      We see no reason why
                                                          Gunpowder treason
                                                  Should ever be forgot!''
Is what we sing as we make small 'guys' like scarecrows, put them in prams and ask, 'a penny for the guy, ma'am?' of which many oblige - and then we ceremoniously throw throw them into a blazing fire! Lots of people then gobble warm fish and chips from the side of the road - though, unfortunately, not anymore packaged charmingly in newspaper.

P.S Sorry if I talk a lot about food -  it's just one of my favourite parts of my culture:)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Favourite Spot

Imperial War Museum, London

This is the entrance to the Imperial War Museum in central London,United Kingdom, where it's like everything comes alive, all the happenings during war grouped into one amazing place. It is by far my most favourite spot - as I stand in front of the entrance, I anticipate what wonders lie behind the huge antique doors.

This museum is my favourite place because I love history, and what happens behind the scenes at world wars and revolutions is rediscovered here. You can walk around, smelling what old subs smelled like, hunker down to sleep in a remake of a bed a sailor would have had, shoot blanks from guns while hiding in a stinky trench, experience a bombing during the blitz, wear Hitler's clothes, and learn about the holocaust intensely.This is what makes it special; a whole world inside one building.

Other people should visit this place because even if you don't enjoy history particularly, it will all come alive in this museum, and Social Studies class will never be the same again - because you'll have experienced it all, in your mind, first hand.

Hi, fellow bloggers!

Just wanted to say hi, hello, 'hola', 'aloha', 'bonjour', before I start posting, and because hello is just plain nice to say before you start talking, right?
So, Au revoir, bye-bye, salut!